In this, the third in the series of Felix and Pip and their adventures aboard boat Purr-fect, we find the friends at Queenscliff, on the look out for something exciting to do. Scuba diving seems just the thing, and once they’re all kitted out and in the water they meet a pair of animals who become their new friends for the afternoon adventure. After losing track of time while they play, the four fast friends discover what happens when you go off and don’t tell your loved ones where you are.
This latest tale in the series of Felix and Pip teaches a valuable lesson to our little ones – your Mum, Dad, or carer needs to know where you’re going and who you are with!
The Adventures of Felix and Pip – Trouble at 'Joanna Shipwreck'
- Author: Lorraine de Kleuver
- Product Code: The Adventures of Felix and Pip – Trouble at 'Joanna Shipwreck'
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: The, Adventures, of, Felix, and, Pip, Trouble, at, Joanna, Shipwreck, Lorraine, de, Kleuver